On 27 Apr 2012, at 4:00 PM, Zach Payne wrote: > Hi All, > I'm am the new web developer at CEDH Academic Tech… > > I am hoping to find some other Rails developers on campus and was told by Dan that this list would be a good place to ask... > > Where else are Rails applications being developed on campus? Welcome, Zach! There are several Rails shops around campus. Academic Support Resources does a bunch of Rails work, as do I (at MINCAVA, a center in the School of Social Work). I think the Minnesota Population Center is also doing some Rails work now. Another good resource for you would be the code-people mailing list and meetings. You can subscribe to that the same way as to this one (IIRC just send a message with a *body* of 'subscribe code-people' to [log in to unmask]). The meetings are the first Thursday of every month, so we have one coming up next week. More info at <https://z.umn.edu/codepeople>. pacem in terris / мир / शान्ति / سَلاَم / 平和 Kevin R. Bullock