Dan, Yep, almost all QR codes these days are encoded URLs. -- Aaron On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Dan Sagisser <[log in to unmask]> wrote: > So is the QR code just a link to the page where you can view where the > buses are? > > -Dan > > > On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 10:45 AM, Jacqueline Brudlos <[log in to unmask]>wrote: > >> >> Hello, everyone. I'm a new member to this listserv (Thanks, Pete!) and I >> have a dilemma/question (I did try to search through the archive first, but >> didn't find anything to help me). >> >> Parking and Transportation Services is working to launch NextBus, a >> feature showing students/staff where all of the shuttle buses are in >> real-time. See the whole system on your desktop computer, call a number at >> a particular bus stop and hear "next bus arrives in 2 minutes" OR scan the >> QR code and get info on your smartphone. >> >> Is anyone an expert on those QR codes? >> >> Admittedly, I'm completely in the dark on this technology/marketing tool >> (my phone doesn't even take pictures - that's how outdated I am - LOL). >> >> My plan was to work with the Sign Stop to revise the current signage at >> the campus shuttle stops - specifically adding a graphic overlay to each >> sign. BUT these signs are typically 6-8 feet off the ground. Upon further >> research online, it sounds to me like I'll need to make the barcode around >> 8 inches square. Does anyone use these codes personally or professionally? >> Does it work from a distance? Does the code need to be THAT large? >> >> Based on what I found online today, it sounds to me that my plan to >> revise the current signage won't work. I think I'm going to have to make a >> second 8.5x11 size sign. >> >> I'm just trying to not waste time/money on doing this wrong. Does anyone >> have any advice for me? >> >> Thanks in advance. >> >> Jacqueline >> =========== >> JACQUELINE BRUDLOS >> Communications Manager | Parking and Transportation Services >> University of Minnesota >> 511 Washington Ave SE | 300 TSB | Minneapolis, MN 55455 >> 612-624-4161 (direct) | 612-626-PARK (main) | 612-624-8899 (fax) >> [log in to unmask] | www.umn.edu/pts > > > > > -- > Dan Sagisser > Information Architect and Project Manager > College of Education and Human Development > Phone: 612-626-1325 > www.cehd.umn.edu > > -- Aaron J. Zirbes Application, Systems and Security Engineer Environmental Health Sciences | University of Minnesota 200 Oak St SE Suite 350<http://maps.google.com/maps?q=200+Oak+St+SE+Ste+350,+Minneapolis,+MN+55455-2008&hl=en&sll=44.974445,-93.227263&sspn=0.000000,0.000000&ie=UTF8&view=map&ftid=0x52b32d18ed65daa7:0xcb58ccc2174b5373&ftt=180&geocode=FW1BrgIdAXdx-g&split=0&hq=&hnear=200+SE+Oak+St+%23350,+Minneapolis,+Hennepin,+Minnesota+55455&z=16&iwloc=A> | [log in to unmask] | 612-625-5464