Hi Kathy,

The Institute on Community Integration would also be interested in joining. 

Kristin Dean
On Jun 5, 2012, at 11:24 AM, Kathy Jensen wrote:

> Greetings web people,
> On June 19, 20, and 21, from 12:00 to 1:00, higheredexperts.com is presenting a webinar on responsive design.
> University Relations is registered for the event and would like to invite other interested units to join us for a portion of the $350 registration fee.
> See details here: http://higheredexperts.com/edu/webinar/higher-ed-responsive-web-design-summit/
> Please let me know by this Friday, June 8 if your unit is interested in participating. Final cost per unit will be determined by the number of units that participate. Location will be determined by the number of people attending from each unit (I don't need this number yet).
> Thanks,
> Kathy
> -- 
> Kathy Jensen
> Marketing & E-Communications
> University Relations
> University of Minnesota
> 612-624-5808

Kristin Dean, M.S.
Director of DirectCourse at the University of Minnesota
Research and Training Center on Community Living
Institute on Community Integration(UCEDD)
150 Pillsbury  Dr. SE
212 Pattee Hall
Minneapolis, MN 55455
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