VSA Minnesota Web Assistance Needed

VSA Minnesota's mission is to create a community where people with 
disabilities can learn through, participate in and access the arts.

The Webmaster at VSA Minnesota needs some assistance with the updating of 
the Website.  http://www.vsamn.org  They are hoping to identify one or two 
volunteers with Web skills and an understanding of accessible Web design to 
assist in the maintenance and development of the site.  If you are 
interested, please contact Craig Dunn, Executive Director, 612-332-3888, 
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Philip M Kragnes, M.S.
Computer Accommodations Program
University of Minnesota
McNamara Alumni Center
200 Oak Street SE, Suite 180
Minneapolis, MN 55455-2002
P: 612-626-0365
F: 612-626-9654
E: [log in to unmask]
T: @PKragnes
W: http://cap.umn.edu
W: http://accessibility.umn.edu