Hi Jessie,

I'll get this PDF up. One question about it - there's a blank page after
the first page. Should there be information on it, or is it OK if I delete
that blank page if it's not supposed to be there?

- Julian

Julian Kittelson-Aldred

Web Designer/Developer
Office of the Senior Vice President
for Academic Administration, UMN System

110 Morrill Hall | 612.624.4545 | [log in to unmask]

On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 8:19 AM, Tony Thomas <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> The next Web Standards meeting<http://webstandards.umn.edu/ai1ec_event/new-responsive-university-of-minnesota-website-templates-jim-hart-university-relations/> is
> tomorrow.
> Jim Hart from University Relations will be presenting responsive/mobile
> versions of the University standard header and footer, along with centrally
> hosted assets, and a discussion of usage and guidelines.
> We will attempt to live-stream the meeting. Watch for a link on this list
> tomorrow around meeting time. A second camera will also capture video that
> we can post after the meeting in case the live stream fails.
> We're ordering pizza again this time around. Please RSVP for pizza
> planning purposes <http://www.saa.umn.edu/webstandards/register>.
> *Location:* 325 Education Sciences Building<http://campusmaps.umn.edu/tc/map.php?building=041>
> *Time:* As always, food and networking from about 11:30 to noon,
> then we'll start the presentation.
> Thanks,
> Tony
> --
> Tony Thomas
> Web Developer
> University of Minnesota
> Student Unions & Activities
> 300 Washington Ave SE, Ste 500
> Minneapolis MN 55455
> Direct: 612-626-9820
> Fax:     612-624-7256
> sua.umn.edu <http://www.sua.umn.edu>