+1 for bootstrap.
Bootstrap is great. Comes loaded with as much or as little as you'd like.http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/scaffolding.html--
On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 1:08 PM, Lisa Anderson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:I've used the Skeleton framework (http://www.getskeleton.com/), which worked well with the responsive U of M header/footer. I just had to adjust the breaking points to match. It is very simple and bare-bones, making it easy to modify and add my own styles.Otherwise, if you are using Dreamweaver CS6, there is a new Fluid Grid Layout feature that allows you to set the width/columns/etc. I'm planning to use that going forward. This explains it a bit more: http://tv.adobe.com/watch/learn-dreamweaver-cs6/using-fluid-grid-layouts/.Hope that Helps!Lisa Anderson
Graphic & Web Designer
University of Minnesota Printing Services
Hours: M-F, 7am - 1:30pm
For assistance after 1:30pm, please contact Shawn Welch at 612-625-8064.On Nov 30, 2012, at 12:56 PM, Kevin Bullock wrote:Hello all—
I'm working on implementing a couple different sites from scratch, and I want to do them both responsively, with a grid system. Given that the current responsive headers & footers are max 960px wide, I can't use the 1140 CSS Grid (cssgrid.net), nor any of the fluid-at-full-size systems that might otherwise be my inclination.
I'm looking at Gumby (gumbyframework.com), which provides both 12-column and 16-column variants. (One of the sites is laid out on a 16-column grid.) Are there others that meet these requirements (960 max width, 16-column, responsive) that I should be looking at? Are there any big downsides to using a framework at all (other than cluttering HTML with non-semantic classes)?
pacem in terris / мир / शान्ति / سَلاَم / 平和
Kevin R. Bullock
David Peterson
IT Professional
Office of Institutional Research
University of Minnesota
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