Dear members and friends of the TRB Congestion Pricing Committee:**** ** ** I hope you are planning to join us for the *Transportation Research Board's Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, January 13-17, 2013*<>. You can gain access to the Interactive Preliminary Program*here<> .* ** The web site has the most recent information on committee and subcommittee meetings, workshops, sessions and individual presentations. You can use the Interactive Preliminary Program<> to conduct searches by session title, paper title, keywords, author, and subject area to plan your personalized itinerary which includes meeting room names. I would particularly encourage you to participate in the events sponsored by our Committee and subcommittees. For your convenience, I have attached the following:**** ** ** **1) **List of events sponsored by the Committee, including subcommittee meetings, Workshops, podium sessions and poster sessions;**** **2) **Agenda for our full Committee meeting on *Wednesday, January 16, 8-noon, in Hilton, Monroe*; and** **3) **Agendas for subcommittee meetings.**** *No-host dinner*** ** ** Committee and subcommittee members, friends and anyone interested are invited to join us at the*LAURIOL PLAZA* restaurant, *Tuesday, January 15, 5:45pm*. The restaurant is located at 1835 18th street NW, just a couple of blocks from the Hilton. This is the same restaurant that we ate at in previous years. Please ask for the *Value Pricing Group* when you arrive at the restaurant. A map may be downloaded *here*<,+washington+DC&geocode=&hl=en&mra=ls&dirflg=w&sll=38.920021,-77.038879&sspn=0.028448,0.054331&ie=UTF8&ll=38.912741,-77.0439&spn=0.00753,0.013583&z=16> .** See you at TRB in a couple of weeks! ** ** ** Lee Munnich Co-chair, TRB Committee on Congestion Pricing (ABE25) -- Lee W. Munnich, Jr. Senior Fellow and Director State and Local Policy Program Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs University of Minnesota 280 Humphrey Center 301-19th Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612) 625-7357 [log in to unmask]