Travel Support for ISHPSSB 2013 in Montpellier, France
ISHPSSB supports travel to the biennial meeting for graduate students based on funding available through memberships, donations to the society, proceeds from past meetings, and the National Science Foundation.
The society’s allocation of support for graduate student travel is determined by these priorities: (1) students who are presenting papers at the biennial conference or participating in ISHPSSB governance; (2) students who have never received previous funding; and (3) students who did not receive funding at the previous ISHPSSB meeting.
The society has the financial means to support only a portion of students’ travel costs. Award amounts will depend on the total amount of funding available to ISHPSSB, the relative cost of travel between the students’ locations and Montpellier, and the ability of applicants to access additional resources. For ISHPSSB 2011 in Salt Lake City, Utah, award amounts ranged from USD 50 to USD 1000, and averaged about USD 300. This represented one-half to two-thirds of travel costs that remained for students once their institutional funds had been applied.
Application forms are available on the society’s website: Send applications and supporting documentation to Lisa Gannett, ISHPSSB Treasurer: via email attachment to [log in to unmask]; via fax to Department of Philosophy, Saint Mary’s University, (902) 491-6286; or via regular mail to Department of Philosophy, Saint Mary’s University, 923 Robie St., Halifax, NS, B3H 3C3, Canada.
For your application to be considered complete, you must (i) provide documentation of your travel costs (copy of receipt, travel agent quote, screen shot from airline website or site such as Expedia or Travelocity, etc.) based on best available fare, and (ii) ensure that your graduate advisor sends an email to [log in to unmask] confirming the amount and source of any additional financial support you have available and that you are currently enrolled as a full-time graduate student in good standing.
Once you send in your application, it is your responsibility to keep your file up to date by providing prompt notification of any changes in your circumstances (attendance at the meeting, status as a full-time graduate student in good standing, itinerary, estimated travel costs, expected financial support, etc.). The Travel Support Committee will process the applications and notify applicants of the results by mid-April. Any award that you are offered at this time will be contingent on the information that has been provided and subject to adjustment should your circumstances change. For example, if the amount of financial support that is available to you from your institution increases, the amount of your award will decrease proportionately. To receive your award, you will be required to submit a completed reimbursement form and original travel receipts (including all boarding passes) within one month following the conference.
The deadline for receipt of complete applications is March 21, 2013. This deadline is firm: NO LATE OR INCOMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED.