Hi, Lee, it's the last week of class at Berkeley and I am in finals so cannot join you.Let meknow if there arethings I can do. Betty From: TRB Congestion Pricing Committee Members [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Lee Munnich Jr Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 9:01 AM To: [log in to unmask] Subject: [TRBPRICINGMEMBERS] Fwd: FW: Congestion Pricng and Managed Lanes Call for papers TRB Congestion Pricing Committee (ABE25) members: In preparation for our committee meeting phone conference this Thursday, May 2, at 2:30 pm Eastern time (Call in number 1-877-829-8910 Code 5973967#), please review the following call for papers ideas collected by Ken Buckeye. After our meeting Thursday, Ken will draft and submit the call for papers. Also attached is a proposed call for papers on behavioral and experimental economics developed by Karen White, which we would submit jointly with the TRB Transportation Economics (ABE20) committee. The agenda for May 2 phone conference will be: 1. Proposed call for papers for 2014 TRB Annual Meeting - Ken Buckeye 2. Proposed workshops for 2014 TRB Annual Meeting - John Doan 3. ABE25 Summer meeting in conjunction with Seattle congestion pricing conference (July 9-11, 2013)- David Ungemah Lee **************************************************************************** *** Combined Congestion Pricing and Managed Lanes call for papers (priority order): 1. The impact of congestion pricing on highway performance (Jack Wells) 2. Making the connection: The tie between tolling and congestion pricing for renovation of existing facilities and development of new facilities (Tom Higgins) 3. Identifying viable pricing methodologies and pricing information channels for multiple, interconnected priced managed lanes. (David Ungemah) 4. The interrelationships of priced managed lanes and programs to promote use of alternative modes (Don Samdahl and Jesse Glaser) 5. Conflicting Objectives of Lane-Pricing (Jesse Glaser) Workshop idea: 1. Focus on the nation's newest congested pricing facilities: Washington, D.C. and Dallas (Matt MacGregor and Ken Buckeye) Poster session: 1. Priced facilities: Where have they come over the past two decades and where they are going (Matt MacGregor) -- Lee W. Munnich, Jr. Senior Fellow and Director State and Local Policy Program Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs University of Minnesota 295H Humphrey Center 301-19th Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55455 (612) 625-7357 [log in to unmask]