To register for either the spring (May 31st – June 3rd) or fall (November 1st – 4th) 2013 session of the Clinical Ethics Immersion program,
please visit
Registration can be completed online or by printing and faxing the registration form (attached to this email and available on the website).
Tuition is $1200 and participant slots limited to 10 per session.
MedStar staff members across all institutions and hospital systems receive a
20% discount off tuition.
Members of the American Society for Bioethics & Humanities (ASBH) receive a
15% discount off tuition.
A 3 month, feeless, tuition installment plan is also available upon request.
Center for Ethics, MedStar Washington Hospital Center,
110 Irving St., NW, EB 3108, Washington, DC 20010
202.877.0246 - tel, 202.877,3898 – fax
Christian Carrozzo, MA
Clinical Ethics Educator
The Journal of Hospital Ethics (JOHE)
The Center for Ethics
MedStar Washington Hospital Center
110 Irving Street, NW
Washington, DC 20010
202.877.0247 (Office)
202.801.1701 (Pager)
202.877.3898 (Fax)