Greetings, Web Standards folks. Thank you so much to those of you who met up last week to talk about the new Enterprise Portal Project last Friday at the Web Standards monthly meeting. The Portal team left with some really great input! *1. Our Presentation.* Here is a link<>to the presentation we gave (it's on Drive so I recommend downloading it to view it), minus the slides that helped us show our design challenge. Those were not prepared to be shown out of context and so we are keeping those internal. But, we do plan to have some design ideas to be able to share more broadly later this summer for some early input opportunities. *2. Ways to be involved.* Please consider helping out with this project that will have wide impact on everyone at the U. We have this short form<>that explains different ways you can help (as little as 5 minutes here and there up to joining our team) so we'll know if we can reach out to you over the next 8 months. Thanks! --Susan -- Susan B. Geller Project Director, Enterprise Portal, University of Minnesota Core Team Member, Art of Hosting Conversations that Matter UMN Community of Practice [log in to unmask] 612-624-7581 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Learn more about the Enterprise Portal project:; Tell me your ideas <> for the Enterprise Portal Connect with Colleagues at the U: