* Greetings, Do you know anyone who uses websites in the health sciences areas of the University of Minnesota that might have a few minutes to take a survey? It would really help us out, and they will be entered to win an iPod shuffle! We are trying to find out which labels make the most sense to users when looking for information on a website. Please forward the invitation below to your friends and colleagues who fall into the audiences listed below, and feel welcome to take it yourself. We are asking people to complete the survey by Wednesday, May 8 at: http://z.umn.edu/ahclabelsurvey Potential audiences include: - prospective students, residents, fellows - current students, residents, fellows - alumni - donors - volunteers - prospective, current, or former patients - participants in clinical trials - staff at the U - faculty at the U - researchers and faculty outside the U - health care professionals - business and community partners - funders/granting agencies Thank you in advance for your help with this. Sincerely, Syreeta* Syreeta L. Wilkins Web editor | 612.625.2640 | [log in to unmask] University of Minnesota Academic Health Center ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Syreeta Wilkins <[log in to unmask]> Date: Wed, May 1, 2013 at 11:49 AM Subject: Fill out our web survey by May 8 to be entered to win a free iPod Shuffle To: Syreeta Wilkins <[log in to unmask]> Greetings, The Academic Health Center (AHC), which serves as the gateway to medical and health sciences at the University of Minnesota, is conducting audience research to help improve the websites of its various colleges, schools, centers, and institutes. We're seeking your feedback to help us improve our web presence. Do you have a few minutes to help guide our efforts? Take a brief survey<https://umnhealth.wufoo.com/forms/web-label-survey-academic-health-center/> to let us know which labels make the most sense to you when looking for information on a website. There are 23 questions and it should take you about 10 minutes to complete this survey. Complete the survey by Wednesday, May 8 at: http://z.umn.edu/ahclabelsurvey Once you complete the survey you will be entered in a drawing to *win an **iPod Shuffle*<https://www.bookstores.umn.edu/viewProduct.cgi?productID=24419#.UYExrLXvt8E>. Be sure to complete the questions at the end to be entered in the drawing. This information is collected separately from your anonymous response. Thanks in advance for your help! Syreeta L. Wilkins Web editor | 612.625.2640 | [log in to unmask] University of Minnesota Academic Health Center