Ana Barahona, ISHPSSB Past-President and Chair of the Nominations Committee, announces the following election results: President-Elect 2013-2015: Michel Morange Secretary 2013-2015: Anya Plutynski Treasurer 2013-2015: Laura Perini Program Co-Chairs 2013-2015: Mark Borrello and Rob Wilson Council 2013-2017: Rachel Ankeny, Maria Kronfeldner and Alan Love She also mentioned that the use of electronic voting was a success, we had more participation than the last time, the computer system worked flawlessly and it compiled the results for us. ISHPSSB does not, as a matter of past practice, publish result totals. If you have any questions about the vote, please direct them to Ana Barahona at [log in to unmask] <><mailto:[log in to unmask] <>>. Thanks for your participation. -- Ana Barahona Profesora Titular "C", T.C. Departamento de Biología Evolutiva Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM Coyoacán, 04510 Mexico, D. F.