Both Google Hangout and UMConnect can do screen sharing and are free, University licensed tools.


On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 10:40 AM, Ann Nordby <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hello everyone: 

We have rebuilt our staff only pages (password protected) and I want to do some user testing with our staff, who are spread out across the state. My plan is to do a screen share with them while we're on the phone together, read out the tasks, and watch while they complete the tasks and describe their obstacles. 

I've used before, and that worked great for public pages, but that doesn't make sense for this section (signing staff up as testers through is an obstacle, etc etc)

Can anyone recommend a screen share software? I haven't done this before. Thanks! 


Ann Nordby
Web Manager
University of Minnesota | Extension Center for Youth Development

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Read our blog!
Youth Development Insight

David Peterson
IT Professional
Office of Institutional Research
University of Minnesota

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