Members and friends of the Congestion Pricing Committee:
FYI only… I thought you might be interested in some of the statistics regarding the recent paper submission at TRB.
TRB received a record 5200 papers by the August 1 deadline, breaking last year's record of 4600 papers
The target acceptance rate for the 2014 Transportation Research Record (TRR) is 22% of the papers submitted for consideration for publication in the TRR. (Note that, of the 5200 papers submitted,
4500 were submitted for consideration for publication in the TRR.)
As in recent years, the number of session "chits" for the 2014 meeting will be 2.3 sessions per committee
The overall theme for the 2014 meeting is "Celebrating Our Legacy. Anticipating Our Future". Subthemes expected to be spotlighted include the changing energy landscape, extreme weather events,
automated driving & connected vehicles, big data, and performance measurement. Sessions addressing these areas are encouraged.
David H. Ungemah
Assistant Vice President
National Managed Lanes Practice Manager
Parsons Brinckerhoff
555 17th Street, Suite 500
Denver, CO 80202
720.837.1522 (office + mobile)
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