I see a third party app that will create an RSS/XML file - statigr.am
http://statigr.am/. I was able to get the rss from that. But, I wanted to see if instagram had a way to do it.APWhat other information are you looking for?Here is an example of what a feed would look like (http://instagram.com/tags/umnproud/feed/recent.rss).Theresa,Instagram has a section on their website that talks about RSS feeds (http://help.instagram.com/464700830247492).
--On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 11:29 AM, Theresa Tichich <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Has anyone pulled an RSS feed from Instagram?
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Theresa Tichich
Web and Multimedia Services Manager
College of Design
University of Minnesota
32 McNeal Hall
St. Paul, MN 55108
[log in to unmask]"That's impossible. Let's do it!" Robert NoyceAdam PattonWeb Designer & Social Media Coordinator
Housing & Residential LifeUniversity of Minnesota