Below is a message from the organizers of the 2017 Sao Paulo meeting of the International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology. It contains instructions for using an online proposal system that helps potential conference attendees to identify colleagues who have similar interests and who might wish to work together to create a proposal for an organized session at the conference. ----- Dear Colleagues, This message is a reminder that starting today it will be possible to submit proposals of open sessions for the ISHPSSB & ABFHiB 2017 Meeting (July 16th – 21th 2017 at IB-USP, São Paulo). Please remember that open organized sessions are excellent opportunity to promote exchanges with different researchers. If you would like to propose an Open Organized Session, we ask you to consult first the guidelines for organized sessions, and afterwards fill the online form. For filling the online form, you should have this information: * Your personal information: Full name; E-mail; Affiliation; Status (student, researcher, professor, etc.) * Proposed session title and abstract Notice that proposing an Open Organized Session is just a preliminary step for submitting a closed proposal. After posting your proposal and exchanging messages with interested people, you must submit your session to be included in the program, using another online form (see organized sessions), from October 1st 2016 until January 15th 2017. We are available for any further information. The Local Organizing Committee.