As Secretary of ISHPSSB, I would like to announce the Fall newsletter (link to full text). There is much information to share as the 2017 São Paulo meeting gets nearer.

1) President's Corner

2) Werner Callebaut Prize 2017: Call for Manuscripts

3) Marjorie Grene Prize 2017: Call for Manuscripts

4) David L. Hull Prize 2017: Call for Nominations

5) ISHPSSB 2017 (including a reminder to US travelers and others needing visas)

6) Site Selection Committee Report: ISHPSSB 2019 & ISHPSSB 2021

7) Report on Off­ Year ISHPSSB 2016 Workshops   

html version here:

As always, you can reach me about all things ISH-related at [log in to unmask]  

Thank you,  

Sean Valles

ISHPSSB Secretary

Sean A. Valles 

Assistant Professor

Lyman Briggs College and Dept. of Philosophy

Michigan State University

Holmes Hall, 919 E. Shaw Lane, Room W25-C

East Lansing, MI 48825

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