Dear ISH Colleagues,
I hope that you are all having a Wonderful Holiday Season!
Below are the announcements submitted this month.
ISH Newsletter and Volunteer Request
***The December issue of the ISHPSSB Newsletter is out!! Choose your favorite version:
***ISHPSSB is considering establishing processes for welcome to or acknowledgement of country, or similar for our meetings, and seeks volunteers to assist with an ad hoc committee, particularly
people from locations where such practices routinely occur and/or people with specific expertise in Indigenous-related issues. Please contact Rachel Ankeny at [log in to unmask]
Konrad Lorenz Institute – Newsletter
The KLI invites ISH members to read their newsletter. It has a new fellowship call in it, too, that is targeted towards our community. - Newsletter:
- 5 KLI Writing-up Fellowships on “Cognition and Knowledge: Between Evolution and Sustainability”
Call for Papers
Call for papers: Special issue on "Ethnobiology and Philosophy". This special issue welcomes research articles that do not exceed a limit of 8,500 words and follow the general submission guidelines of the Journal
of Ethnobiology. The submission deadline is 1. May 2022. More information of the call:
Philosophy in the Wild
Call for Abstracts: Philosophy
in the Wild (PhilWild) invites abstract submissions for presentations at our second annual conference, the theme of which is environmental philosophy, very broadly construed.* We are especially interested in papers dealing with issues surrounding environment
and race. This event is an outdoor, technology-free event.
From June 17th to 19th, 2022, presenters will camp at
Ridley Creek State Park in Pennsylvania. Non-presenting participants are invited to attend the presentations during daytime hours. Activities will include (though will not be limited to) a keynote presentation, participant presentations, and hiking (optional).
No prior camping experience is necessary; Philosophy in the Wild can work with presenters to help arrange gear rentals. Selected papers will be eligible for publication in a special issue of the
Public Philosophy Journal in collaboration with PhilWild.
Abstracts should be approximately 500 words. Please submit your abstract in .pdf format, prepared for anonymous review, to
[log in to unmask]. In the body of the email, please include your name, university affiliation, and paper title. Papers should be suitable for a 25-minute presentation and a 25-minute Q&A session. Submissions from members of underrepresented groups
in philosophy are especially encouraged.
Please contact
[log in to unmask] with any inquiries.
Submission deadline: February 1, 2022
Decisions announced: March 1, 2022
Dates of conference: June 17-19, 2022
Keynote Speaker:
Romy Opperman (The New School for Social Research)
Organized by:
Philosophy in the Wild
Funded by: Greater Philadelphia Philosophy Consortium
Contact: [log in to unmask]
Job Postings
Executive Director, Library & Archives, Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University
PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH YOUR LIBRARY COLLEAGUES: The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University (ANS) is seeking an experienced and dynamic library and archives professional to unlock the extraordinary potential of one of the finest natural
history library and archive collections in the Americas. The Executive Director will be a visionary leader and collaborative manager, with proven skill in facilitating and sharing research, developing programming, fostering networking and collaboration
among other libraries, building new audiences, and establishing a service-oriented philosophy.
Post Doc – University of Guelph
The Department of Philosophy at the University of Guelph seeks applications for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to work for one year on an interdisciplinary project in the fields of
genomics and animal welfare. More information is available at: Contact Dr. Stefan Linquist for more information: [log in to unmask]
Postdoc - Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Dept. III, "Proteins and Fibers: Scaffolding History with Molecular Signatures"
and this is a related call for visiting scholars:
3 x PhD Scholarships at Egenis, the University of Exeter
There are 3 PhD studentships on offer at the Exeter Centre for the Study of the Life Sciences (Egenis)
at the University of Exeter for people interested in working in philosophy and/or social studies of science, starting from September 2022. The studentships cover 3 years of accommodation, fees, food and travel costs, and candidates will be working within the
project “A Philosophy of Open Science for Diverse Research Environments” (all information here:
Further information and the application procedure can be found here:
The deadline for applications is 21 February, with interviews held online in March and decisions made shortly afterwards. Students can choose whether they will study for a degree in philosophy, sociology or anthropology, and we are open to a wide variety
of backgrounds and topics of interest. The key requisite is being interested in carrying out some fieldwork in a plant science station with Sabina Leonelli, the project PI, with students free to decide what problems / angle to investigate.
Book Announcement
The Nature of Science in Biology:
A Resource for Educators, Edited by: Thomas J.J. McCloughlinPublished by: Graphikon Teo, Dublin MMXXI
The official date of publication is 20th December (today) and it is available at a price of 9.95USD for the hardback and 3.95USD for the ebook from the publishers directly: Graphikon
Teo ([log in to unmask]) and eBay/Amazon from January 2022.
***This book arose out of the out-of-year meeting in 2020 in Dublin.
All the Best Wishes, Lloyd
Lloyd Ackert, Ph.D.
Department of History
Drexel University
ISH Listserve Moderator