Dear ISH Colleagues, Sorry for the delay in sending these announcement out. Please send any new ones you have to share. Best, Lloyd ISH Newsletter - May 2022 These are the links to the PDF ( and to the web ( versions. Thank you (und vielen Dank), David Conferences Report: Islam and Extraterrestrial Life Dear all, Big thanks to everyone who participated in our conference on Islamic Perspectives on Exotheology last month! Those of you who missed the event but are still interested in Islam and extraterrestrial life can find more information in reports published online. My colleague Mary Joseph at Virginia Commonwealth University wrote a beautiful story that featured one of our attendees, José Funes, a former Director of the Vatican Observatory. You can read Mary’s piece on the VCU website: Layla Azmi Goushey, a professor of English at St. Louis Community College, also wrote a rich and insightful article for Patheos entitled “Islamic Exotheology: Viewpoints on Extraterrestrial Intelligence.” She quotes several of our speakers: Carool Kersten, Emad El-Din Ayasha, Faisal Zain Abdullah and Mir Baiz Khan. Read what they said here: Even before the conference took place, the best-selling author David Brin recommended our conference as part of a “laudable” and “one of the fine recent trends in SF.” His news briefs are entitled “Multicultural, ecological, philosophical perspectives on science fiction.” Click here: Please let me know if you would like to learn more about the event. Thank you so much for your interest! Yours, Matthias Jörg Matthias Determann Virginia Commonwealth University New Books I would like to announce the publication of the following book: Handbook of the historiography of Latin American Studies on the Life Sciences and Medicine. Ana Barahona, Editor. Springer 2022<> All the best, Ana Lloyd Ackert, Ph.D. Department of History Drexel University ISH Listserve Moderator NEWS: