Dear ISH Colleagues,
   Here are the February Announcements. ***I will send another email out in two weeks if you would like to post something.


1. Philosophical Transactions

  Royal Society Publishing has recently published a special issue of Philosophical Transactions B: Human socio-cultural evolution in light of evolutionary transitions compiled and edited by Yohay Carmel, Ayelet Shavit, Ehud Lamm and Eörs Szathmáry and the articles can be accessed directly at<>  (I have attached the poster.)
   A print version is also available at the special price of £40.00 per issue from [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Felicity Davie
Royal Society Publishing
T +44 20 7451 2647<tel:+442074512647>

The Royal Society
6-9 Carlton House Terrace
London SW1Y 5AG
Registered Charity No 207043

1. “PSA Around the World”

   The Philosophy of Science Association is delighted to launch a new initiative called PSA Around the World. The aim of the initiative is to reach out to the global community of philosophers of science and spotlight the rich diversity of practices and traditions in the field of philosophy of science via fully online conferences with a dedicated regional focus, running in the years when the Biennial Meeting of the PSA does not take place.

   Our inaugural PSA 2023 Around the World has a focus on East Asia including South East Asia.

   The conference will run fully online on ZOOM for three days and different time slots to accommodate a global audience on various time zones: Sunday 5th November 2023; Saturday 11th November 2023; Friday 17th November 2023 (precise timing for each day TBA).

   Contributed papers may be on any topic in philosophy of science and the conference is open to all PSA members worldwide. Given the time zones constraints, and with an eye to increasing diversity of topics, we regret that there is no call for symposia for this conference.

   The PSA 2023 Around the World Committee is committed to assembling a program with high-quality papers on a variety of topics and diverse presenters that reflect the full range of current work in the philosophy of science. Scholars working in East Asia are particularly encouraged to submit papers, and papers exploring the philosophy of science in East Asian contexts are most welcome.

   Submissions should consist of a 1000 word abstract and should be prepared for anonymous review with no information identifying the author in the body of the abstract. For co-authored papers, the presenting author should upload the abstract. Abstracts should be submitted using the conference EasyChair link:

   The deadline for submissions is 11:59 PM Pacific Standard Time on 31 March 2023. The Program Committee expects to announce its decision on papers accepted for presentation by the end of June 2023. Authors of accepted abstracts are encouraged to post full-length papers as PSA 2023 Around the World Conference Papers at<> (a publicly accessible digital archive) prior to the meeting if they wish to do so. Paper presentation at the conference should take no more than 15 minutes to allow 15 min for questions (30 min time slot per paper).

   In accordance with current PSA policy no one is permitted to present more than once at each PSA meeting. A scholar may appear as co-author on more than one paper but may present only once at PSA 2023 Around the World.

   General questions about contributed papers should be directed to the Chair of the PSA 2023 Around the World Program Committee, Michela Massimi, at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. To maintain anonymity in the review process, questions about specific submissions should be sent to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>, as this address will be monitored by someone not involved in the review process.

The Program Committee for PSA 2023 Around the World consists of the following colleagues:

Program Chair

Michela Massimi (University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK; President of the PSA as of 1 Jan 2023)

Program Co-Chairs

Hasok Chang (University of Cambridge, UK and Chair of the PSA International Relations Committee)
Chuang Liu (School of Philosophy, Fudan University, and Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Sciences, PSA International Relations Committee)
Teru Miyake (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, PSA International Relations Committee)

Program Committee

Natalja Deng, Yonsei University, South Korea
Jing Zhu, Xiamen University, China
Qiaoying Lu, Peking University, China
Yuko Murakami, Rikkyo University, Japan
Jun Otsuka, Kyoto University, Japan
Karen Yan, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan Sang Wook Yi, Hanyang University, South Korea
Wei Wang, Tsinghua University, China
Billy Wheeler, College of Arts and Sciences, VinUniversity, Hanoi, Vietnam Jiji Zhang, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

2. “Philosophy in Biology and Medicine 4” (***Deadline – March 1, 2023)

   The fourth Philosophy in Biology and Medicine (PhilInBioMed) Network Meeting will take place in-person in Cambridge, U.K., on May 5-6, 2023. The program committee invites abstracts from those wishing to present at the conference.

   The PhilInBioMed Network is an international group of philosophers and scientists advancing philosophy in biology and medicine. Information about the details of the conference will be made available soon on the PhilInBioMed Network website:

Submission Guidelines
   The program committee welcomes abstracts for contributed full-length talks (30 min, including 10 min Q&A) as well as flash talks (15 min, including 5 min Q&A) by scientists and philosophers, on work which combines biological or medical science with a conceptual or philosophical approach. Relevance for the scientific community will be an asset, and talks that result from collaboration among philosophers and scientists are particularly welcome. We welcome submissions from individuals identifying with historically underrepresented groups within philosophy of science and medicine.

The deadline for abstract submissions is March 1st, 2023.

Abstracts should be 500 words max.

Authors must remove all identifying information from their title and abstract.

Please submit your abstract using the following link:

The program committee aims to notify authors of the result of their submission by late March, 2023.

Confirmed Speakers
Neil Ferguson, Faculty of Medicine, School of Public Health, Imperial College London
Jonathan Fuller, History and Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh
Tim Lewens, History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge
Richard Watson, Institute for Life Sciences, University of Southampton
Jonathan Birch, Philosophy, Logic, and Scientific Method, London School of Economics
Nicky Clayton, Psychology, University of Cambridge

The conference will be held at the University of Cambridge.

All questions about submissions should be emailed to the program chairs at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

The conference is generously funded by the Philosophy in Biology and Medicine Network; the International Research Network, CNRS; the Region Nouvelle Aquitaine (France); and the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge.

Kate MacCord
Teaching Assistant Professor
LSA 114
School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University
Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> | Web:<>


Scott Gilbert wishes to let people know that he has published a new paper:

Gilbert , S. F. 2022. Pseudo-embryology and personhood: How embryological pseudoscience helps structure the American abortion debate. Natural Sciences 2022: e20220041.  DOI: 10.1002/ntls.20220041

 The paper attempts to document that there is no consensus among biologists as to when an embryo becomes a "person," and that what passes for science in the American abortion debates is actually a set of ideological myths, often grounded in and supporting male superiority: (1) Fertilization as a hero myth of male prowess; (2) the genome as our soul, with fertilization being seen as ensoulment; and (3) the embryo in the womb as an autonomous seed in the soil.  This paper is open access and can be freely acquired, transmitted, and reprinted.


Best regards, Lloyd

Lloyd Ackert, Ph.D.
Department of History
Drexel University

ISH Listserve Moderator