Dear ISH Colleagues,
   Please read the following message:
Best, Lloyd

ISHPSSB-listserv notice

For those of us in the northern hemisphere, summer has flown by quickly, and the fall has arrived with a new set of responsibilities as well as demands for the completion of tasks in the wake of our first successful “hybrid” meeting. A huge note of thanks is due to the organizers of Toronto 2023, Denis Walsh and Eric Desjardins, members of the organizing committee, the University of Toronto and Western University, which also provided us with Cliff Fielder, the logistics wizard. We also thank the program chairs Tatjana Buklijas and Jan Baedke, and the many graduate students and volunteers who helped ensure the smooth running of the meetings, a difficult feat in a city like Toronto just emerging from the pandemic. And thanks also to Don Opitz for his fiscal management, Sara Roe for keeping us connected, and especially Rachel Ankeny who had oversight for all of it.   

The new hybrid format offers us abundant opportunities but also poses some challenges; first, however, we would like membership to provide us with feedback about it, and indeed the 2023 meetings as a whole, as we plan for the 2025 meetings in Porto, Portugal organized by Maria Strecht Almeida.

To that end, please find the time to fill out the excellent survey prepared by Kate MacCord and Charles Pence, our program chairs for Porto 2025 by October 20.

Please also watch out for an interactive location on our website under "resources" that will enable you to volunteer for some committees, but until it is set up, you may also just directly contact me at: [log in to unmask].

Finally, Lloyd Ackert has been generously doing the work our listserv editor, but has now taken over the job of secretary (many thanks for this, Lloyd). If you are interested in serving as our listserv editor, please also contact me at: [log in to unmask].

Betty Smocovitis 

Vassiliki Betty Smocovitis
Professor, History of Science
Departments of Biology and History
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611


Coeditor-in-Chief, Journal of the History of Biology

President, International History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology

Direct Line to Office: 352-392-9647
Biology Main Office: 352-392-1175
History Main Office: 352-392-0271