Hi ISH members, 

Better late than too late, here is an announcement for a talk tomorrow that may interest some of you.

Best regards, 

Dear All,


The Leeds Centre for History and Philosophy of Science will be hosting a talk tomorrow, Thursday 13 June, at 5 pm by Gordon McOuat (U. of King's College / Dalhousie) on


"Rethinking statistics, logic and the 'Modern Synthesis' from the East – How J. B. S Haldane's passage to India reformulated evolution, logic, and 'decolonised' the Journal of Genetics"


All are welcome, in person (in the Botany House seminar room) or via Zoom, on https://universityofleeds.zoom.us/j/83972043309. The code, if needed, is 3UUbN+ (the Meeting ID Code is: 83972043309)


Maybe see you there!





Gregory Radick

Professor of History and Philosophy of Science

School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science

University of Leeds

Leeds LS2 9JT, UK