------------ Forwarded Message ONE begins here ------------ From: [log in to unmask] (Jesper Hoffmeyer) Date: Thu, 2 Oct 1997 11:46:49 +0000 Subject: Another Book of interest to IHPSSB I guess my recent book "Signs of meaning in the universe", Indiana University Press 1997, might also be of interest to ISHPSSB. Here follows how it is presented at the Amazon.com. bookstore: Signs of Meaning in the Universe (Advances in Semiotics) by Jesper Hoffmeyer Barbara J. Haveland (Translator) Philosophy and Religion Editor's Recommended Book, 07/01/97: Jesper Hoffmeyer is on to something significant. Whereas semiotics is often a dull analysis of formal symbols, Hoffmeyer's biosemiotics is a lively natural history of signs that interprets evolution as a continuous advance in semiotic freedom. All living things, according to Hoffmeyer, are constantly reacting to their environment by interpreting the signs in their own unwelt,, or interior representation of the surrounding world. Freedom and chaotic self-organization thus become the hallmarks of all life. Based on sound research and written in a delightfully accessible style, Signs of Meaning in the Universe should be interpreted as an advance in both philosophy and science. Card catalog description For three and a half billion years the living creatures of the natural world have been engaged in an increasingly complex and extensive conversation. Cells, tissue, organs, plants, animals, entire populations and ecosystems buzz with communication, incessantly emitting and receiving signals. These signs have been there as long as life itself. They make up the semiosphere, a sphere like the biosphere, but one constituted of messages - sounds, odors, movements, colors, electrical fields, chemical signals - the signs of life. This book examines the radical premise that the sign, not the molecule, is the crucial, underlying factor in the study of life. On this tour of the universe of signs, Jesper Hoffmeyer travels back to the Big Bang, visits the tiniest places deep within cells, and ends his journey with us - complex organisms capable of speech and reason. He shows that life at its most basic depends on the survival of messages written in the code of DNA molecules, and on the tiny cell - the fertilized egg - that must interpret the message and from it construct an organism. What propels this journey is Hoffmeyer's attempt to discover how nature could come to mean something to someone; indeed, how "something" could become "someone." How could a biological self become a semiotic self? And how, finally, do we unite these two different selves, "nature" and "mind" which we all carry in us and which all too often are at war with each other? Table of Contents Preface 1. Signifying: On lumps in nothingness, on "not" 2. Forgetting: On history and codes: The dialectic of oblivion 3. Repeating: On Nature's tendency to acquire habits 4. Inventing: On life and self-reliance, on subjectivity 5. Opening Up: On the sensory universe of creatures: The liberation of the semiosphere 6. Defining: The mobile brain: The language of cells 7. Connecting: On the triadic ascendance of dualism 8. Sharing: On language: Existential bioanthropology 9. Uniting: Consciousness: The bodily governor within the brain 10. Healing: On ethics: Reuniting two stories in one body-mind Notes Bibliography Index University of Copenhagen Institute of Molecular Biology, The Biosemiotics Group Jesper Hoffmeyer tel +45 3532 2032 Solvgade 83 fax +45 3532 2040 DK-1307 Copenhagen K e-mail [log in to unmask] http://www.molbio.ku.dk/MolBioPages/abk/PersonalPages/Jesper/Hoffmeyer.html ------------------------- SECOND MESSAGE BEGINS HERE --------------- From: [log in to unmask] (Kim Sterelny) Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 13:59:44 +1300 Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand. The Marsden Fund has supported a two year postdoctoral fellowship to work on a joint project with Kim Sterelny on "What is biodiversity?" This is a project in philosophy of biology, not environmental ethics. So philosophers with a strong background in philosophy of biology are invited to apply, though candidates with a background in biology will also be considered, so long as they can demonstrate appropriate philosophical competence. The salary will be in the range of $42,238 - $53,055 p.a, New Zealand dollars. But it is most likely that the offer will be towards the lower end of that range. Some support for moving expenses to Wellington may be available. For details of the project, those interested should contact Kim Sterelny by e-mail at [log in to unmask] Formal applications should be sent to Debbie Luyinda, Department of Philosophy, Victoria University of Wellington, PO Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand. The application should include both the applicant's CV and a writing sample, and applicants should ask three referees to send references to the same address. The closing date for applications is January 5, 1998, and the fellowship is to begin in March, 1998. Kim Sterelny Philosophy Victoria University of Wellington PO Box 600, Wellington New Zealand "an element of moral disgrace" phone: 64/(0)4/4721-000 Fax: 64/(0)4/495-5130 --------------------------- THIRD MESSAGE BEGINS HERE -------------- From: Mark Stoll <[log in to unmask]> Date: Thu, 16 Oct 1997 16:01:18 -0500 TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE WESTERN ASSOCIATION OF WOMEN HISTORIANS MAY 15-MAY 17, 1998 The Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, California Proposals for Panels are welcome on any historical subject, time period, or region. While WAWH has often had a special emphasis on women's history, we suggest that participants may also wish to think in terms of race, ethnicity, class, religion, age, education, and any other relevant categories, including gender. Panels or workshops on long-term concerns of women in the historical profession are also encouraged. Proposals for complete panels, including commentators, are strongly preferred, but individual papers will be considered. Proposals should include THREE copies of each of the following: a cover page that included the title of the panel, names of the panelists, and the titles of the individual papers; a one-half to one-page abstract for each paper; a one-to-two-page curriculum vitae for each panelists; and a list of panelists that include their current addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses. Please send TWO copies of your proposals BY DECEMBER 5, 1997 to Dr. Nupur Chaudhuri 1737 Vaughn Drive Manhattan Kansas 66502 e-mail <[log in to unmask]> and ONE COPY to Dr. Lois L. Huneycutt Department of History 114A Read Hall University of Missouri Columbia MO 65211 e-mail: <[log in to unmask]> -------------------- FOURTH MESSAGE BEGINS HERE ------------------- From: [log in to unmask] (Rosa Luxemburg Institut) Date: Sun, 19 Oct 97 20:19:01 +0100 Dear collegues, in spring you got the CFP for our international symposium on the notion of NATURE in the cultural & natural sciences & in the political discourse, organized by the Austrian Political Science Association (AUPSA) together with the Rosa-Luxemburg-Institute(RLI) in Vienna, and the Austrian Institute for International Affairs, supported by the Austrian UNESCO-Commission and others We are happy that so many of you have sent us very interesting proposals. Thanks to you! You find the actual information about the conference and its programme (with ABSTRACTS, some of them in English) in the WebSite of RLI: http://iguwnext.tuwien.ac.at/~rli There is a short ENGLISH information which is very easyly reached via a link on the top of the front page of the WebSite of RLI and - also in the same place - the total programme with abstracts in German (look for the German link or for "Veranstaltungen"): http://iguwnext.tuwien.ac.at/~rli Here we give you some actual information also: DATE: 14/15 November 1997 VENUE: Institute for Advanced Studies, Stumpergasse 56, 1060 Vienna, Austria CONFERENCE LANGUAGE: mainly German, some contributions in English Inscription (lately until end of October): Gertrud Hafner, IHS, Stumpergasse 56, A-1060 Vienna/Europe, Tel. +43/1/59991-166, =46ax +43/1/59991-171, E-mail: <[log in to unmask]> Normal Price: 250,- ATS. For students & personen with low income: 100,- ATS Structure of the symposium: Plenary sessions and five working groups with contributions of speakers from diefferent countries: 1. Different conceptions of "nature" in the natural and social sciences (Convenors: Dr. Margarete Maurer, Univ. of Hannover & RLI, Vienna; Dr. Mathias Weimayr, political researcher, Vienna) 2. The discourse on "nature" in the gender discussion (Convenors: Prof.Dr. Barbara Holland-Cunz, University of Giessen; Dr. Franz Seifert, IHS, Vienna) 3. "Human nature" between supremacy and emancipation (Convenors: Doz.Dr. Otmar Hoell, Austrian Institute for International Affairs, Laxenburg; Prof. Dr. Volkmar Lauber, Senatsinstitut fuer Politikwissenschaft, University of Salzburg) 4. "Nature" in ecological discourses (Convenor: Dr. Guenther Sandner, University of Salzburg). 5. The invention of "nature". Cultural & philosophical constructions of "the natural". Philosophical projections. - Nature & gender. (Convenor: Univ. Doz. Dr. Wolfgang Mueller-Funk, University of Vienna &University of Klagenfurt) =46URTHER INFORMATION: E-mail to IHS, secretary Gertrud Hafner: <[log in to unmask]> WWW: http://iguwnext.tuwien.ac.at/~rli GERMAN overview of the programme: =46r, 9.00-9.30 h: Naturbegriff, Wissenschaft und Politik: Eroeffnung= : Begruessung und Einfuehrung (Dr. Sonja Puntscher-Riekmann, OEGPW-Vorsitzende, Univ. Doz. Dr. Otmar Hoell, OEIIP, Mag. Dr. Margarete Maurer, Univ. Hannover und RLI, Wien) =46r, 9.30-10.45 h: Dr. Reiner Grundmann (Soziologe, MPI Koeln): Soziologie und Natur: ein schwieriges Verhaeltnis =46r, 11.00-12.15 h: Prof. Dr. Rainer Zimmermann (Physiker/Philosoph/Mathematiker, Fh Muenchen): Naturbegriff und Selbstreflexion. - Zum Experimentum Mundi aus heutiger Sicht =46r, 12.15-14.15 h: Mittagspause und Zeit f=FCr Selbstorganisation & Entscheidung Nachmittags (14. Nov. 1997, 14.15-17.45 h): Fuenf parallele Arbeitskreise mit zahlreichen Vortragenden aus dem In- und Ausland: Arbeitskreis 1 (Teil I: Fr. 14.11.1997, 14.15-17.45 h): Unterschiedliche Naturkonzeptionen in den 'Natur-' und 'Sozial-'wissenschaften. Wissenschaftsgeschichtliche Dimensionen; Begriffsverstaendnisund aktueller Naturbezug der Laborpraxis (Leitung/Moderation: Dr. Matthias Weimayr, Wien / Mag. Dr. Margarete Maurer, Univ. Hannover und RLI, Wien) Arbeitskreis 2 (Teil I: Fr. 14.11.1997, 14.15-17.45 h): "Natur" in der Biologismus- bzw. Essentialismusdiskussion: Naturkonzeptionen und deren Niederschlag in einzelnen Problem- und Policy-Bereichen, z.B.: Migrationspolitik, Zusammenhang "Natur" und "Geschlecht" (Leitung / Moderation: Univ. Prof. Dr. Barbara Holland-Cunz, Univ. Giessen / Mag. Franz Seifert, IHS Wien) Arbeitskreis 3 (Teil I: Fr. 14.11.1997, 14.15-17.45 h): Zur "inneren Natur" des Menschen und zur Beherrschung / Emanzipation der "inneren Natur" (Leitung/Moderation: Univ. Doz. Dr. Otmar Hoell, OEIIP / Prof. Dr. Volkmar Lauber, Senatsinstitut f=FCr Politikwissenschaft, Univ. Salzburg) Arbeitskreis 4 (Teil I: Fr. 14.11.1997, 14.15-17.45 h): "Natur" in OEkologie-Diskursen. Natur und oekologische Krise im ausgehenden 20. Jahrhundert. - Natur zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik (Leitung/Moderation: Dr. Guenther Sandner, Univ. Salzburg und Wissenschaftsagentur Salzburg) Arbeitskreis 5 (Teil I: Fr. 14.11.1997, 14.15-17.45 h): Die Erfindung der Natur. Kulturelle und philosophische Konstruktionen des Natuerlichen. Philosophische Projektionen. - Natur und Geschlecht. (Leitung/Moderation: Univ. Doz. Dr. Wolfgang Mueller-Funk, Univ. Wien und Univ. Klagenfurt) =46r, 18.00-19.15 h: Hauptvortrag f=FCr alle AKs: Ass.Prof. Dr. Elisabeth List (Philosophin, Universitaet Graz): "Natur ist, was mich leben laesst." Grenzen des Naturbegriffs und seiner Politisierung =46r, 20.00 h: Empfang im Wiener Rathaus (Dr. Michael Haeupl), anschliessend Kulturprogramm: 1-Frau-Kabarett mit Klara Schaerr, Bremen Sa,15.11.1997 9.30-10.45 h: Hauptvortrag fuer alle AKs: Prof. Dr. Burghart Schmidt (Philosoph/Biologe, Akademie fuer angewandte Kunst, Wien, und Universitaet Hannover): Naturpolitik und Aesthetik Sa, 11.00 -17/17.45 h: Fortsetzung der fuenf parallelen Arbeitskreise vom =46reitag mit weiteren Vortragenden/Teil II. Mittagspause 12.15-14.15 h Sa, 17.15/18.15 h: Natur als Politikum: Thesen, Widersprueche, Perspektiven (ReferentInnen, ModeratorInnen, TeilnehmerInnen) VeranstalterIn: Oesterr. Gesellschaft f=FCr Politikwissenschaft, gemeinsam mit: Rosa Luxemburg-Institut & Oesterr. Institut fuer Intern. Politik, Oesterr. UNESCO-Kommission. Mit Unterstuetzung der genannntenOrganistaionen sowie von: IHS, MA 18-Stadtentwicklung & Stadtplanung/Gruppe Wissenschaft, BM fuer Wissenschaft & Verkehr, BM fuer Umwelt, Jugend & Familie, sowie IFK (angefragt). ******************************************************************** =46eminist Studies and Women's Studies - research, information, publishing h= ouse Special focusses: - Technology Assessment, Cultural Studies of Technology - Theory, History, and Social Studies of Science - Women and Development - Education ROSA-LUXEMBURG-INSTITUT (RLI) =46rauenforschung, -bildung, -verlag Arbeitsbereiche: Technik und Naturwissenschaft, "Dritte" Welt, Bildung RLI, Julius-Tandler-PL. 5/24 A- 1090 Wien Austria, Europe Tel/Fax (13-15 h MEZ): +43/1/31 74 929 E-mail: <[log in to unmask]> WWW: http://iguwnext.tuwien.ac.at/~rli Traegerverein: Verein fuer Interdisziplinaere Forschung und Praxis, Post Box 12, A-1091 Wie= n Association for Interdisciplinary Research & Praxis ********************************************************************* ------------ Forwarded Message ends here ------------ Christian C. Young History of Science and General Science Mount Angel Seminary [log in to unmask] http://www.teleport.com/~young Christian C. Young History of Science and General Science Mount Angel Seminary [log in to unmask] http://www.teleport.com/~young