From: "Cor van der Weele" <[log in to unmask]> Session Proposal on Biology and Ethics Normative questions on biological knowledge: frustrations and possibilities It is not controversial that scientific inquiry is subject to ethical evaluation, in that human rights have to be respected, and 'unnecessary'animal suffering has to be avoided, to put it very briefly. When it comes to the content of scientific knowledge, the relevance of ethics is much more controversial. Science has a strong internal normativity to the effect that more knowledge is better. Choices about the direction of knowledge gathering should be defined within scientific disciplines and on scientific grounds, not on ethical grounds and certainly not by scientific outsiders, or so at least many scientists think. But given the almost direct enormous practical implications of much modern genetic and biotechnological knowledge acquisition, many outsiders wonder whether the direction of scientific research should not be subject to social and moral judgment. This situation is the basis of a crisis of trust between scientists and non-scientists, which has conceptual as well as social aspects. In this session, I propose to look at the frustrating as well as the happy experiences in the relation between biology and ethics, with regard to the content of knowledge. The goal is to enrich the diagnosis and to define in which directions there may be promise for the relationship. In order to reach that goal, it may be fruitful to pay attention to: - empirical as well as analytical dimensions of the relation between biology and ethics - mutual images of biology and ethics, and of science and lay knowledge - the implications of various definitions of the task of ethics in relation to science ------ Cor van der Weele Center for Bioethics and Health Law (CBG) Utrecht University Heidelberglaan 2, 3584 CS Utrecht The Netherlands Tel: (+31) 30 2539408 / 2534399 Fax: (+31) 30 2539410 e-mail: [log in to unmask]