Subject: 5th Pittsburgh-Konstanz Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science: "Philosophical Problems in the Neurosciences" Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 15:31:20 +0100 From: Gereon Wolters <[log in to unmask]> Conference Announcement: Philosophical Problems in the Neurosciences The fifth meeting of the Pittsburgh-Konstanz Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science will take place in Konstanz, Germany during the four day period from Wednesday, May 26, 1999 until Saturday, May 29. The meeting will focus on philosophical problems, specifically methodological and conceptual problems, in the neurosciences. The Pittsburgh-Konstanz Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science is a joint biennial undertaking of the Center for Philosophy of Science of the University of Pittsburgh (USA) and the Zentrum Philosophie und Wissenschaftstheorie of the University of Konstanz (Germany). Main lectures (approximate titles) and comments Paul Schoenle (Medicine, Kliniken Schmieder Allensbach and U.of Konstanz): Opening lecture: "Treatment of comatose patients" Comm.: Peter Machamer (History and Philosophy of Science, U. of Pittsburgh). Olaf Breidbach (History of Science, U. of Jena): "Origin and development of neuroscience Comm. Claude Debru (Hist. of Medicine, U. of Strasbourg). Valerie Hardcastle (Philosophy, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg): "Theory structure in neuroscience" Comm: Peter McLaughlin (Philosophy, U. of Konstanz). Antti Revonsuo (Philosophy, U. of Turku): "Comparing explanation in the neurosciences and other scientific disciplines" Comm: Ansgar Beckermann (Philosophy, U. of Bielefeld) Thomas Metzinger (Philosophy, Hanse-Kolleg, U. of Bremen): "Causality and explanation in the neurosciences" Comm.: Wolfgang Spohn (Philosophy, U. of Konstanz) James Bogen (Philosophy, Pitzer College and Claremont Graduate School): "Evidence and Types of Data" Comm: Robert Olby (History and Philosophy of Science, U. of Pittsburgh) Holk Cruse (Biology, U. of Bielefeld): "The explanatory power and limits of simulation models in the neurosciences" Comm.: Klaus Mainzer (Philosophy, U. of Augsburg) Evening Lecture: Ernst Poeppel (Medical Psychology, U. of Munich) Rick Grush (Philosophy, U. of Pittsburgh): "The meanings of computation and its importance to neuroscience" Comm.: Bruce Buchanan (Computer Science, U. of Pittsburgh) Kenneth Schaffner (Philosophy, George Washington University): "Extrapolation from Animal Models Comm: Juan Delius (Psychology, U. of Konstanz) Carl Craver and Lindley Darden (Philosophy, U. of Maryland): "Discovering mechanisms in neuroscience Comm.: German Barrionuevo (Neuroscience, U. of Pittsburgh) William Bechtel (Philosophy, Washington University, St. Louis): "The relationship between neuro-physiological mechanisms and cognition" Comm.: Charles Perfetti (Psychology, U. of Pittsburgh). The conference will take place at Hotel "Waldhaus Jakob" (Konstanz). The conference fee is DM 130 and DM 80 for students respectively (4 lunches and refreshments are included). There will be an excursion followed by a dinner which are not included in the conference fee. The price is DM 80 and DM 55 for students respectively. Those planning to attend are requested to register in advance. Further information: Prof. Gereon Wolters University of Konstanz --------------------------------- Gereon Wolters Universitaet Konstanz FG Philosophie Fach D15 D-78457 Konstanz Germany Tel. ++49-7531-882745 (office) Fax 882502 Tel. 62661 (home)