------Message 1 of 5 --------

From:  [log in to unmask] (Les Levidow)
> Science as Culture 8(2), June 1999
> Sociobiology Sanitized:
> Evolutionary Psychology and Gene Selectionism
> Val Dusek
> Darwinian Ideological Discourse
> Part II: Re-Anthropologizing Nature by Naturalizing Competitive Man
> Julio Muñoz-Rubio
> 'Malthus on Man: In Animals No Moral Restraint’
> Robert M. Young
> Transforming Genes: Metaphors of Information and Language in Modern
> Genetics
> Adam Hedgecoe
> Subscriptions:
> Issues of Science as Culture are numbered in volumes, each comprising four
> issues per year, starting in 1990.
> Personal rate for four issues: £32 or $48 in North America;
> Institutional rate for four issues: £92 or $138 in North America.
> All orders and remittances should be addressed to:
> Carfax Publishing Limited, PO Box 25, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 3UE, UK.
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> [log in to unmask]; or
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--------- Message 2 of 5 -------
From: Eva-Anne LeCoultre <[log in to unmask]>

Nature between fact and fiction
An interdisciplinary symposium on nature in the cultural sciences

4 - 5 November 1999 , Groningen, The Netherlands
organized by the Rudolf Agricola Institute, University of Groningen

Given that the division between nature and culture is one of the
fundamental traits of the modern Western world, it might look as if
nature is only marginally important to the cultural sciences.
Nevertheless, nature crops up time and time again in any type of
research on human culture (in the broadest possible sense of that
word) -- and not just as the opposite or counterpart of culture. On
second thought, this should not surprise us. In the end, the
borderline between nature and culture is a necessarily human,
cultural, invention. It is drawn differently, apparently arbitrarily,
in different scientific disciplines and cultural contexts. All these
borderlines have one thing in common, however: they make 'nature', in
a negative or positive sense, serve as a yardstick, as a criterion for
evaluation and classification.
   This observation has induced wide-spread endorsement of the idea
   that nature is itself to a large degree a cultural construction,
   and in that role a constitutive factor of the human representation
   of nature, of our diverging conceptions of nature. For this reason,
   the status of nature is a crucial focal point for reflection in
   each and every of the cultural sciences: is it (and in which sense)
   fact or fiction, real or a construction, autonomous or human-made,
   a mix of both, or yet something else? The significance of this kind
   of reflection is, in addition, evident in times in which
   environment, ecology and nature feature so prominently on political
   and social agendas. The two-day symposium aims at providing an
   interdisciplinary insight into nature as a cultural
   (re-)construction, and into its role in the social and cultural
   sciences both as an object of scientific inquiry and as a guiding
   force. In the various sessions, prominent representatives of a
   broad range of cultural sciences will address two areas of
   controversy. One is that of the relation between nature and other
   constructions: how do conceptions of nature emerge in the first
   place?; the other that of the relation between nature as a
   construction and as reality: how reliable or representative are
   conceptions of nature, how do they influence our behaviour?

Alongside this conference a preparatory course will be organized for
Ph.D.-students (aio's / oio's).


Thursday 4 November,   Senaatskamer

10.00-10.30     Registration, Coffee
10.30-10.40     Opening of the conference

 Subject: "The literary construction of nature"

10.40-11.30     Axel Goodbody (University of Bath, UK), 'Ecocriticism /
Possibilities and perspectives from ecology-oriented literary
 11.30-12.15    Svend Erik Larsen (University of Aarhus, DK),
'Virtues and virtualities'
12.15-13.30     Lunch break
13.30-14.15     Hubert F. van den Berg (University of Groningen),  'The
representation of nature as convention. On the role of genre
 14.15-15.00    Bernhard F. Scholz (University of
Groningen), 'Sumblime and beautiful nature in the geographical
writings of Alexander von Humboldt'
15.00-15.30     Tea break

  Subject: "Natura naturata v. natura naturans"

15.30-16.15     Frank Vera (Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and
Fisheries, The Hague) 'Doomed to reconstruct. Because we've made
nature disappear as fact, we have condemned ourselves to fiction'
16.15-17.00     Rob Leopold (independent philosopher), 'Nature between
distance and participation'

20.00-21.30 Public lecture
 Location: Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5

Friday 5 November, Offerhauszaal

  Subject: "Nature and nation"

9.30-10.15      Nina Witoszek (University of Oslo, Norway), 'Modernity and
nature                  mythologies: the case of Germany and Scandinavia'
10.15-10.45     Coffee break
10.45-11.30     Henk van Zon (University of
Groningen), 'Illusion and reality. Picturesque or realistic portrayal
of Dutch landscapes by some nineteenth century painters'
11.30-13.30     Lunch break
13.30-14.15     Friedmar Apel (University of
Paderborn, Germany), 'Sacral nature and nationalism in the Wandervogel
movement and in Stefan Georg-Kreis.'
14.15-15.00     Wil M. Verhoeven
(University of Groningen), 'Ecology as requiem: nature, nationhood,
and history in Francis Parkman's "history of the American forest"'
15.00-15.30     Tea break

  Subject: "Nature and sustainability"

15.30-16.15     Andrew Dobson (Keele University, UK), 'Nature: just a
social construction?'
16.15-17.00     Maarten Hajer (University of
Amsterdam), 'A frame in the fields. Analysing culture and identity in
environmental politics'
17.00 Closure of the conference; reception.


Further information and registration (before Monday 25 October 1999)
at the following address: Drs. Marijke Wubbolts, Rudolf Agricola
Instituut Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Postbus 716 9700 AS Groningen
e-mail: [log in to unmask] tel: 050 3637336

The entrance fee for the entire conference is Dfl 120,- Entrance for
one day only will cost Dfl 65,- Students and Ph.D. -students (aio's /
oio's) pay no fee. Lunch, coffee and tea are included in the
conference fee.

Academiegebouw, Broerstraat 5, Groningen

Dates of the AIO course: 14 October, 28 October and 11 November, 14
-17 pm


Dr. Marcel Wissenburg, Faculty of Philosophy (tel 024  361 1853)
Dr. Hubert van den Berg, Faculty of Arts (tel 050 363 5197)
Drs.Marijke Wubbolts, secretary / coordinator Agricola
Eva-Anne le Coultre, student assistant Faculty of Philosophy

in collaboration with the research group "Representation of nature" of
the research school Rudolf Agricola.

This conference was made possible through the assistance of :

Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (Royal Dutch
Academy of Science) Rudolf Agricola Institute, University of Groningen
Operatie Boomhut, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Managment and
Fisheries Faculty of Philosophy, University of Groningen

------------- Message 3 of 5 -------------
Fellowships and Grants for Research and Training
on the Former Soviet Union and its Successor States

The Eurasia Program of the Social Science Research Council is pleased to
announce a fellowship program for research on the former Soviet Union
and its successor states.  Limited funding may also be available for
research on the Baltic States.  Funding for this program is provided by the
U.S. Department of State under the Program for Research and Training on
Eastern Europe and the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (Title
VIII). All fellowships awarded under this program are contingent upon the
receipt of funding from the U.S. Department of State.

Advanced Graduate Training:
These awards of $10,000 for one academic year are designed to enable
graduate students in the social sciences or humanities to enhance their
disciplinary, methodological, or language training in relation to
research on the former Soviet Union or its successor states.  These
fellowships are available to graduate students who already have some
expertise on this region and would like to strengthen their methodological
and disciplinary training, as well as to graduate students with strong
disciplinary training or expertise in other areas of the world who would
like to gain regional expertise on the former Soviet Union and its
successor states. Applicants may request support for advanced language
training or a brief exploratory trip to plan dissertation field research.
Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and must be
enrolled in a doctoral program in the social sciences or humanities.

As a condition of these awards, the student's home institution must make
a direct contribution to the costs of the student's education of no less
than 10 percent of the fellowship award.

Please Note: These awards are not intended to support dissertation field

Dissertation Write-Up:
These awards of $15,000 for one academic year provide support to
graduate students currently enrolled in doctoral programs in the social
sciences and humanities who have completed their dissertation research and
who expect to complete the writing of their dissertation during the
2000-2001 academic year.

Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and must be
enrolled in a doctoral program in the social sciences or humanities.
As a condition of these awards, the student's home institution must make
a direct contribution to the costs of the student's education of no less
than 10 percent of the fellowship award.

Postdoctoral Fellowships:
These awards of $24,000 are designed to improve the academic employment
and tenure opportunities of recent Ph.D. recipients (up to 6 years past the
Ph.D.) in the social sciences and humanities.  Applicants can be
untenured Ph.D. recipients in both academic and non-academic positions,
although we especially encourage people in tenure-track positions to apply.
Applicants must have received, or expect to receive their Ph.D. by June
2000, and must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.  The fellowship
stipend will be distributed flexibly over a two-year period, although the
preferred pattern of support will be two summers and one semester of
sabbatical support. As a condition of these awards, the fellow's home
institution must make a cost-sharing contribution of no less than 10
percent of the fellowship award.

Application Deadline:
The deadline for the receipt of completed applications and all
supporting materials is November 1, 1999.

The announcement of awards will be made in June 2000.

For further information and application materials, please contact:

Eurasia Fellowship Program
Social Science Research Council
810 Seventh Avenue, 31st Floor
New York, NY 10019
Tel: (212) 377-2700
Fax: (212) 377-2727
Email: [log in to unmask]

------------- Message 4 of 5 -------------
Below is an ad for our opening for a Director for our Environmental
Studies Program at Bowdoin College.  Any one interested should call me
at 207-725-3597 or E-mail at:

    [log in to unmask]

Rick Freeman
Director of ES
Bowdoin College
Brunswick, ME



Bowdoin College invites applications for the position of Director of
Environmental Studies at the associate or full professor rank, beginning

in fall, 2000.  The successful candidate will hold a Ph.D. in an
academic discipline, have a distinguished record of scholarship and
teaching that addresses issues of past or present national and/or
international environmental policy, and have demonstrated skills in
interdisciplinary program building and leadership.  This will be a joint
appointment in the Environmental Studies Program and an appropriate

The normal teaching responsibility at Bowdoin is two courses per
semester (with adjustments if labs are involved).  At least half of the
teaching will be in the area of environmental studies with special
emphasis on environmental policy. The remaining teaching will be in the
department in which the appointment is made.

Bowdoin College is a selective liberal arts college on the Maine coast.
Its 29-year-old ES Program is being strengthened.  It consists of a
broadly interdisciplinary coordinate major with 40-50 students in each
class and faculty offering courses from all three of the divisions of
the curriculum.  Facilities include the Bowdoin Scientific Station on
Kent Island, NB and the 118-acre Coastal Studies Center on nearby Orrs

Please send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and at least
three letters of reference to A. Myrick Freeman III, Director of
Environmental Studies, 6700 College Station, Bowdoin College, Brunswick,

Maine  04011-8476.  Review of applications begins on November 15, 1999.
For further information about the program and the College, visit our
website, www.bowdoin.edu.

Bowdoin College is committed to equal opportunity through affirmative
action.  Women and members of minority groups are urged to apply and
invited to identify themselves as such.

---------------Message 5 of 5 ----------
> Postdoctoral fellowship at UBC: Narratives of
> Disease, Disability, and Trauma
> The University of British Columbia's Centre for
> Research in Women's Studies
> and Gender Relations has one postdoctoral fellowship
> position available for
> the two-year period September 2000-August 2002. The
> position is funded by
> a grant from the Peter Wall Institute for Advanced
> Studies for a
> collaborative interdisciplinary project on
> "Narratives of Disease,
> Disability and Trauma". Candidates should have
> recently completed a
> doctorate in a related area, not restricted to
> Gender Studies. Disciplines
> represented in the current team include Humanities,
> Social Sciences and
> Health Sciences. The postdoctoral fellow will be
> expected to be engaged in
> relevant research, to have interdisciplinary
> interests, and to coordinate
> some collaborative activities, including a
> conference planned for Fall
> 2001. Applications, including a CV, research
> proposal, and the names and
> e-mail addresses of two referees, should be sent ,
> preferably by December
> 1st , to Valerie Raoul (Wall project), Director,
> CRWSGR, UBC, 1896 East
> Mall, Vancouver V6T 1Z1, BC. Fax 604 822 9169.
> [log in to unmask]
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=
> Carla Paterson
> [log in to unmask]