Conference coordinated by Michael Ruse to be held at Florida State
University in February:

Philosophy and Biology: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

February 23-25, 2001

Turnbull Conference Center

Florida State University

Tallahassee, Florida

This conference looks at the state of play in the philosophy of biology:
what have been the really interesting achievements? What are we up to today?
And what should we be thinking of for tomorrow? What are our brightest
students doing?


John Beatty (University of Minnesota)
Robert Brandon (Duke University)
David Buller (Northern Illinois University)
David Castle (University of Guelph)
Paul Griffiths (University of Pittsburgh)
David Hull Emeritus (Northwestern University)
Jane Maienschein (Arizona State University)
Bryan Norton (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Ken Waters (University of Minnesota)
Jack Wilson (Washington and Lee University)

Chairs and Discussants:

Lawrence Abele (Florida State University, Provost and V.P. of Academic
Betty Smocovitis (University of Florida, History)
Paul Thompson (University of Toronto, Scarborough College, Philosophy and
Joe Travis (Florida State University, Biology)
Walter Tschinkel (Florida State University, Biology)

For more information, visit the conference Web site ,, or contact Christopher Pynes: (850)
644-4128 or [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>