Dear all,

There will be a Workshop on Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy next year in St. Louis, MO, end of May. Please refer to the section below to learn more about the topics and registration.

6th International Carl Zeiss Workshop on Fluorescence Correlation
Spectroscopy and Related Methods
May 21st (8 am) - May 22nd 2002 (8 pm), St. Louis, MO
Come together and early registration on May 20th ( 6 pm to 9 pm)


- Principles of FCS
- Instrumentation and Preparation Techniques
- Biochemical Applications
- FCS in Cell Biology
- New Trends


The International Carl Zeiss Workshop on Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) and
Related Methods continues the series of Workshops organized by Carl Zeiss in Leuven (Belgium, 1997),
Jena (Germany, 1998, 2000, 2001) and St. Louis (USA, 2000).
The workshop will be a platform to present and discuss new scientific results in FCS and related fields.

Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH
Analytik Jena AG

Members of the scientific committee:

Rudolf Rigler, Karolinska Institute Stockholm
Manfred Auer, Novartis Vienna
Elliot Elson, Washington University St. Louis
Enrico Gratton, University of Illinois
Anton Visser, Wageningen University
Horst Vogel, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Petra Schwille, Max-Planck-Institue Goettingen

Workshop language is English.
It is planned to publish abstracts of talks after the workshop.

Eric P. Newman Education Center
Washington University Medical Center
660 S. Euclid
St. Louis, MO 63110

For further information about St. Louis see:

Workshop Fee:
$ 300,- ($150,- for students)

Further information and registration will be available under

Please forward this information to anybody who might be interested in
attending the workshop.

Dr. Klaus Weisshart
fon: +49-3641-642268
fax: +49-3641-643144
e-mail: [log in to unmask]

Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH
Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 10
07745 Jena