SIHC and AMSA people,

The SIHC lunch lecture on Thur. Dec. 5 will consist of a panel of students 
that will be speaking about the AIDS pandemic in different countries.  The 
panel will consist of students from different countries, or those that have 
participated in HIV/AIDS programs abroad.  We would like as broad of a range 
of countries represented as possible.  I know that between the two groups, 
there is a lot of students who have worked abroad or know people that have.  
If you would like to speak about your experiences during this lecture, 
please contact me or the planning leaders in SIHC or AMSA.  You could talk 
about specific programs or generally about AIDS in your country.  It would 
probably consist of a brief description followed by a Q and A session.  We 
are planning on having a faculty member mediate the discussion, and it 
should be pretty informal so don't worry about having to prepare powerpoints 
or being shy or anything like that.



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