Good morning everyone.

I though that I should share this with the group.

Tech developments for the disabled -
10:06 a.m.
Technology has made a huge reach in helping the physically disabled, but what specific roles will the internet and smartphones play as they begin to make life easier for the wider population?
Wendy Chisholm: is a consultant, developer, author, and speaker on the topic of universal design. She is co-author "Universal Design for Web Applications."
Darren Burton: is national program associate (consultant) for the American Foundation for the Blind. He is legally blind and evaluates tech products for usability for visually impaired people.

Net Neutrality enforced - 10:47 a.m.
FCC's chairman recently made a formal commitment to treat all Web traffic equally. Internet advocates are thrilled, but broadband providers and mobile operators are not as satisfied with his definition of what a free and open internet actually means for their businesses.
Maggie Reardon: is senior writer for CNET and has been covering cell phone services, broadband, citywide Wi-Fi, the Net neutrality debate, as well as the ongoing consolidation of the phone companies.


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Andre Leroux
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