
Northrop is hiring a Web and Email Manager. This is a 100% time Info Tech Specialist (job code 4951) position and is posted through the normal U of M Human Resources Employment page with a requisition number of 162336.
Applications will be looked at through next Wednesday, with interviews likely happening the following week. Please feel free to pass this on to anyone who may be interested. Questions about this job can be directed to Cari Hatcher at 612-625-6003 or [log in to unmask].


PS- I'm relaying this for our department, but I also wanted to take a chance to announce that we launched our new site! http://northrop.umn.edu It's a Gorton Studios production using Drupal. 

Sam Gaard | Web Manager | Northrop
University of Minnesota
612-735-6968 | [log in to unmask]