Dear AMSA, 
Many of you have heard about our state's dire financial situation, particularly after today's Minnesota Supreme Court hearing regarding Governor's "unallotments" and line-item vetoes.  Attached is a letter from Dr. Frank Cerra, Dean of the Medical School and Senior VP of the Academic Health Center.  It outlines the effects of proposed budget cuts on our medical education, as well as how hospitals in the state will be affected.  You will also find a fact sheet discussing the funding for Medical Education and Research Cost (MERC).
"If this budget is approved and enacted, we will have great difficulty in continuing to provide the education and clinical training that is essential to graduate the next generation of outstanding physicians for Minnesota.  I would appreciate any help you can give in alerting our state Senators and Representatives of the serious consequences of these proposed budget cuts."
    -  Macaran Baird, M.D., M.S.
       Professor and Head 
       Department of Family Medicine and Comunity Health
       University of Minnesota Medical School
You can find information about contacting your state legislators at:
Please help raise awareness regarding our school's political dependence.
Very respectfully,
Erik Scharrer
Erik Scharrer
Executive Vice President - Medical School Student Council
University of Minnesota Medical School
Class of 2011
Cell:  (612) 388-6920