April 12, 2010

MinneWebCon 2010 is less then six weeks away! Here's the latest about the region's third annual web design and social media conference:

1. Sessions and speakers:  Our 12 regular breakout sessions have been finalized — details about them are now on the web site.
     ("unconference" discussion sessions are still being finalized, and information about them will be added very soon)

2. Registration: Online registration opened last month, and the conference is almost half full.  Our rates remain the same as in 2008 and 2009:

* Standard registration: $200 

* With University of MN staff discount: $150* 

* With student discount (any school): $100 

3. Free stuff — tech books: We're once again giving away a limited number of tech books to the first people who check in on the morning of Monday April 12 (check-in will begin at 7:45 a.m., one hour before the morning keynote). The first shipment of books arrived last month from New Riders.

4. More free stuff — commemorative poster: This year there's something completely new and very exciting — we've commissioned art!  Every conference attendee will receive a limited edition Adam Turman silkscreened poster. Adam is a 1999 graphic design graduate of the U of M, so we couldn't be happier to partner with him on this event poster.

5. Tech MN podcast: Jeff Pesek of Tech.MN interviewed me about MinneWebCon in late February. If you're interested in hearing how the conference came to be and what it's about, take a listen!

For more information and to register, please visit: http://www.minnewebcon.umn.edu/


Kris Layon

Note - Please email or call me if you would like to be removed from this mailing list.

* - U of M staff may pay with EFS, credit card, U purchasing card, or check.

Kristofer D. Layon, director
MinneWebCon  :  Web  :  Twitter  :  Facebook
612-624-4545  :  [log in to unmask]
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