After Easter Mass I stepped outside and saw 15 White Pelicans flying over St. 
James Catholic Church in West Duluth.  I then headed over to Park Point and 
relocated the Whimbrel that Peder Svingen found on Friday and it was still there 
as of this morning. The Whimbrel was foraging for worms along the side walk that 
runs the length of the ball field in front of the bath house.  

I then headed home and saw some Tree Swallows over my house and saw my first 
Chipping Sparrow of the season.  I just got back from Colorado so I am trying to 
get caught up on what has been reported in Duluth lately.  

On my Facebook account this afternoon I saw a report from Greg Neise that a 
Painted Redstart was spotted in MN this spring season.  Greg got the report from 
Chris West of WI through a Facebook group called ABA Rare Birds. Chris West got 
the original bird report from Alyssa DeRubeis of Minnesota. Chris asked for more 
details from Alyssa but so far no reply. I am just curious if others might know 
of this sighting in Minnesota?


Mike Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota


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