This morning, as I left home for work at Pet Expo, I noticed a large  
bird cross over the road (CTY 10 mile west of Beauford). I assumed an  
eagle, as they are becoming almost common around that area, and as I  
caught up to it guessed it was an immature eagle. However, as I passed  
it and took another look, saw a beautiful Osprey. Not a
common bird around us at any time, a bit late here I would guess.
While I have been on the lookout for a Snowy, I have not been  
successful. However,customer from Minnesota Lake reported having one  
fly by twice while he was in a duck blind on the north side of the  
lake late last week. This would be the year to see one here, I would  
guess. The camera will be with me at all times!
Customers report varying numbers of birds at their feeders,  
particularly Cardinals and Goldfinches lots or few.
We still have a first year Harris Sparrow daily, but no Pine Siskins  
or Red Polls.
A report from the National Sunflower Assoc. states that the BOSS crop  
is expected to be down 24% with both acreage and yield lower. Not good  

John Nelson
Good Thunder MN 

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