Hi all...

Just got back from a week in southern Florida visiting family (and birding
a little).

My neighbor reports a large white bird on the top of the high voltage line
being harassed by crows.  He thought it might have been a Snowy Owl, but
could not see it well...

Flying out of MSP last Saturday morning we scanned the area around the UPS
building as the plane taxied along.  But, we saw nothing.

Florida was beautiful.  Short-sleaved weather and too much food.  We stayed
in Boyton Beach and birded mostly Loxahatchi and Green Cay.  I ended up
with 81 species with most of the expected local specialties, missing only
the Snail Kite.  The most unusual for the area were a Louisiana
Waterthrush, a Magnolia Warbler, and a Clay-colored Sparrow.  New birds for
me in Florida included the Waterthrush, a Screech Owl, Solitary Sandpiper,
and a Coopers Hawk,  The best sighting was an Otter that just about walked
up to me.--
Steve Weston
on Quiggley Lake in Eagan
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