First of all I want to thank all those that have posted information on the crossbills  on various sites.  I hadn’t seen a WW Crossbill in years.  Gary Swanson formerly of the C.R. Dam has now started a weekly birding hike and this is where he took us today to the Blue hill trail at Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge. We found a small flock (25-35) of White Winged Crossbills about a mile or so north on the Blue Hill trail along the pine stand area.  We saw them several times as he hiked around and through the pines.  We also saw white and red breasted nuthatches, trumpeter swans, hairy and red bellied woodpeckers, tree sparrows and juncos.   Below is a link to some photos.  It was kind of dark but I did the best i could .   https://www.flickr.com/photos/ronsthoughts/with/24953619522/
Ron Taube
Coon Rapids.