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Is there a drip of oil in a strand across one of the optics?
Michael Cammer

-----Original Message-----
From: Confocal Microscopy List <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Benjamin E Smith
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2024 6:58 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Puzzling Y-axis scanning artifact on a Zeiss LSCM


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Hey Microscopists,

We have an odd aberration on an older Zeiss LSCM that I can't quite wrap my head around, so I was wondering if anyone else has ever seen this.  In the middle of the scan field, the image becomes stretched, and then returns to normal towards the end of the scan field (see images below - yellow

At first I was thinking it could be the Y-mirror binding, but usually you will see a compression after the stretch when the mirror breaks free, and a corresponding jello-like oscillation, neither of which we see here.  It also can't be debris on the Y-mirror as this would create a vertical distortion, not a horizontal one.  So, I'm stumped.

Any insights or ideas would be greatly appreciated,
   Ben Smith

Benjamin E. Smith, Ph. D.
Imaging Specialist, Vision Science
University of California, Berkeley
195 Weill Hall
Berkeley, CA  94720-3200
Tel  (510) 642-9712
Fax (510) 643-6791
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