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Dear all,

Today we are releasing Bio-Formats 7.3.0 which includes compatibility and support for Bio-Formats with Java-21 alongside a number of format improvements including updates for DICOM, CellSens VSI, and PerkinElmer Columbus.

The full list of changes included in this release are as follows:

File format fixes and improvements:

* CellSens VSI
   - fixed and exception in CellSens 4.1 data by updating the handling of orphaned ets files (thanks to Edward Scanlon)

   - updated handling of nested sequences that include pixel data
   - removed a duplicate enum check in the DICOM writer

   - reading an OME-XML file now populates the original metadata table

* PerkinElmer Columbus
   - added support for reading data with Z stacks (thanks to Tim Blackmore)

* Prairie Technologies TIFF
   - improved type checking for Prairie files

* SimplePCI
   - fixed handling of Z position metadata

Bio-Formats improvements:

* Bio-Formats is now compatible with Java 21 builds
* added a new `quality` option to bfconvert which enables the setting of the compression quality to be used.
* when using the `channel` option in bfconvert, the unselected channels are now correctly removed from the OME-XML metadata
* added coverage of Apple M1 as part of the CI process
* added coverage of Java 21 builds as part of the CI process

Component updates:

* ome-jai was upgraded to 0.1.4
* ome-stubs was upgraded to 6.0.2
* ome-mdbtools was upgraded to 5.3.3
* ome-common was upgraded to 6.0.22
* ome-poi was upgraded to 5.3.9
* ome-metakit was upgraded to 5.3.7
* ome-codecs was upgraded to 1.0.3
* ome-xml was upgraded to 6.3.6
* specification was upgraded to 6.3.6

Documentation improvements:

* fixed a number of broken external links
* documented the new quality option in bfconvert

Full details can be found at https://docs.openmicroscopy.org/bio-formats/7.3.0/about/whats-new.html

The software is available at: https://www.openmicroscopy.org/bio-formats/downloads/
and is now available from the Java-8 update site for Fiji users.

Any problems or comments, please use the Image.sc forum

The OME Team

The University of Dundee is a registered Scottish Charity, No: SC015096