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Hello All,

We are running a STED microscopy course at McGill in July 2024. We are in the process of planning our lab activities and we didn't want to reinvent the wheel. I'm asking if anyone in the community has laboratory activities they would be open to sharing? We would of course give proper credit for anything we end up using.

To collect this information I am requesting that you post it on the Microscopy Database (MicroscopyDB) under the training and education resources. The form is very quick to fill out. You just need to have the material somewhere that can be accessed with a weblink. The biggest advantage is your materials will be accessible to anyone who might want to use them, not just for us and our course. Of course, feel free to post other training and education resources you might have as well.

Fill out the form here:

Use keywords
STED, lab activity (others if you like)

Thanks in advance! I'm happy to post later and let people know what kinds of resources we found and how the lab activities went in the course.

All the best,
