Hi Sue, et al.
RE Lasergraphics, we have calibrated to the test slide that
comes with the machine, and have had no trouble with hue balance with
any film. We primarily use Ektachrome 100, for slides, with prints made
directly from Photoshop onto a Kodak Color printer. But the prints we get
from the Lasergraphics setup looked fine as well. (Kodachrome 100).
One issue that we have had was getting the gamma values set right when
importing PICTs to the Mac, (we do this on the unix side now), but that doesn't
sound like it's the problem you are having.
Best of luck,
Andy Jacobson   <[log in to unmask]>     <[log in to unmask]>
Dept. Pharmacology / Div. Nuclear Medicine and Biophysics
CHS B2-086
UCLA School of Medicine                         Phone:310-825-8584
Los Angeles, CA 90024-6948                      Fax:  310-825-4517