>>Can anybody out there recommend to me a good slide printer which can be interfa
>>ced with a PC to print confocal pictures onto slide or negative film stock?  Pr
>>ices? Companies?
>Three months ago we purchased a Lasergraphics Personal LFR slide maker.  It
>is connected to both a Mac Quadra 605 and an Osbourne 486 (in the interests
>of EEO).  Both the computing people who installed it and the end users
>(many not overly computer literate) are happy with the performance. Cheers,
>Eric Hines.
I will have to put my vote in for the Lasergraphics system as well.
We also have the Montage system here which is almost identical and is
slightly more bug free, but of an older generation with a few convieniences
missing. Both produce excellent prints and slides (depending on the film you
load), and are operational off of our Mac II's. We convert images from
the microscope and image processing output to PICT format, which the
systems read in. Both Lasergraphics and Montage will interface with PC's as