HERE! HERE!  I agree.  I have one of the first MRC's on the west coast (Now we
have two!) - have upgraded it from 500 to 600 and from Argon to Krypton-Argon,
and have another grant in to upgrade (if funded) to UV and the 1000.  We have
always had great service from BioRad and quick responces to any inquiry.  I too
find a few things in the software less than efficient - but we've always gotten
good service.
Sue DeMaggio
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: PC upgrade problems...
Author:  Confocal Microscopy List <[log in to unmask]> at biosmtp
Date:    1/3/95 12:49 PM
> I agree with Dan Chin's recent comments regarding confocal systems.  It
> seems incredible to me that any manufacturer would not interact in a
> thoroughly helpful manner with a user.  I'm beginning to think that our
> choice of a BioRad was an incredible blunder.
> Better make sure it isn't so, BioRad, if you even remotely care to
> listen.....
I keep reading these messages that thrash Biorad confocals and their
support with disbelief. We have had very few hardware problems (and those
were minor) over the years with our MRC-600 that is being heavily used in a
multi-user facility. When questions or problems have arisen, Biorad tech
support has been responsive and has helped us via the phone and email
to troubleshoot the problems, many resolved at no cost (we have no
service agreement). They have quickly sent upgrades to the software
anytime a problem seemed to possibly stem from that source. They have
talked us through laser alignments, etc.
There are the things in the COMOS program that drive me nuts. For example
the menu handling of toggle selections (Hold LUTS, for example) that cause
the pull-down menu to disappear rather than allowing further selections,
and the Z-series sub-menu that doesn't allow you to turn on the focus
motor (from that menu) when it finds that you have left it off, seem like
very simple things that just aren't "nice" the way they currently work.
Perhaps I have just lucked out with a good connection. Next time you have
tech troubles, ask for Ulrike M. J. Ahlborn-Rhodus, Ph.D. (Technical
Specialist). I have found her to be most responsive and helpful.
Dale A. Callaham  ([log in to unmask])