>Importing raw merged PIC images into Photoshop (very easy with standard
>black and white images) omits the color table and our red/green merged
>images become black and white.
>Any suggestions?
it is really much better to do the merging in Photoshop from the original
files to preserve the dynamic range. Merged images compress your two
originals into 4bit images which are combined and the appropriate LUT
    However if your really determined, as part of our incomplete program to
import BioRad & microVoxel files (the latter for conversion into QuickTime
movies, though it does work with ThruView+ files), we did produce a utility
for converting the BioRad text-file format of LUTs into both Photoshop &
NIH Image LUT files (PS calls them color(sic) tables). You can ResEdit the
resource into the Photoshop application so it shows up in the menu. We
converted all the basic BioRad LUTs (Autumn...), as well as defining
versions of 4 & 8 bit anaglyph LUTs, plus the split Red/Green one used for
RG merges.
    While there was talk of this mailing-list hosting an FTP site, I don't
think anything ended up happening. We would be interested if anyone has a
decent site we can dump these on.
Danny Thomas  ([log in to unmask])