On Tue, 17 Jan 1995, Samuel A. Tesfai wrote:
> We have just had a zeiss confocal system installed here at  cell biology
> department,university of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  I just wanted to
> point out some of the features available with this system that make it
> competitive in todays expanding market of confocal microscopes.
> *It runs all applications (ratioing ..) relatively fast.
Could you please elaborate on this?
ie  Subtract backgrounds before ratioing?
flexible image size?
Ratio graph on the screen while acquiring?
variable 'save to disk' frequency?
Have you compared this feature to the similar ones of other confocals?
Thank you
Stamatis Pagakis
University Laboratory of Physiology
University of Oxford, Parks Rd.                FAX:  +44 (0)865 272469
Oxford OX1 3PT,   United Kingdom               Tel:  +44 (0)865 272434