I do not want to advertise inappropriately on the mailing list. But
if I may interject, there have been postings on  ratio imaging
software for confocal systems and I wanted to point out that Noran
Instruments has a package tailored for ratiometric analysis. In
fact, some of the questions posed identify specific features of our
Odyssey XL.
The XL stores images at up to 240 pictures a second. It stores ratio
images at video rate (30 image pairs/second) while displaying a live
pseudocolored ratioed image.
The experimenter can also identify regions of interest on the  live
display and plot the mean ratio values in a strip chart.  The user
chooses either a simple ratio or the calibrated Grynkiewicz  equation
for ion concentration (or pH).
The InterVision analysis software also provides a suite of tools to
perform background subtraction, thresholding, and ratioing of the
captured data.
Again, I want to be sensitive to posting on the net as a
representative. However I urge anyone who wants more information to
contact Noran Instruments ([log in to unmask]) for more details on our
Odyssey XL system and InterVision software.
Todd Deckard
Noran Instruments
2551 West Beltline Hwy
Middleton, WI  53562
Phone:  (608) 831-6511
FAX:    (608) 836-7224