Ulrich Seydel inquired about software to merge 8bit grayscale
images to 24bit color and subsequently to 8bit color.
On the Mac/PC side- Adobe Photoshop will do this quite well.
Just paste the individual images into either the R,G, or B
channels and then convert to indexed (256) color. Photoshop
also is available for SGI.
On the unix side- the San Diego Supercomputer Center's imtools
suite will also do this. However, the component imtools are
all command-line and slight adjustments in registering images
is more difficult than in Adobe Photoshop. However, batch
processing in unix is easier although there are now Photoshop
aids that enable batch processing of Photoshop functions.
imtools is public domain and ftp'able from ftp.sdsc.edu in
the /pub/sdsc/graphics/imtools directory. Source code and
binaries for most workstations (SGI, Sun, HP, Dec, even Cray)
are available.
daniel chin
agouron institute
[log in to unmask]   http://agi.org/otherD/Dan.html