-=> I entirely agree with Jos.
-=> Renato A. Mortara
-=> Disciplina de Parasitologia
-=> Departamento de Micro, Imuno e Parasitologia
-=> Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo
-=> Rua Butucatu, 862 6o andar
-=> 04023-062 Sao Paulo SP
-=> Brasil
-=> Email: [log in to unmask]
-=> FAX: 55 11 571-1095 Fone: 570-8306
-=> On Wed, 23 Aug 1995, J.Th.P.W. van Maarseveen wrote:
-=> > > (...)
-=> > > I know this is the CONFOCAL list ..... but ........
-=> > > The government IS passing a bill right now ...... read the fine print
-=> > > to the Tele. Com. Reform Bill .......
-=> > > it just sezs something like ..... we can be taped forever ....
-=> > > just think when we all get VIDEO phonez .....
-=> > > DO YOU NEED MORE INFO ???????
-=> > > Search for EFF ..... and read it for yourself .....
-=> > >                                    ~TODD~
-=> > >
-=> > However, keep in mind that this is an INTERNATIONAL, not an American discussio
-=> n
-=> > list. Although there should occasionally room for  non-confocal issues, these
-=> > kinds of petitions (which are of no value for people outside the United States
-=> )
-=> > should NOT be posted to the list.
-=> >         Regards,
-=> >
-=> >         Jos van Maarseveen (not living in the U.S.)
-=> >
-=> > --
-=> > Dr J.Th.P.W. van Maarseveen
-=> > e-mail: [log in to unmask]
-=> >         [log in to unmask]
-=> >
That is what the SIFTER is for ........ hehehe
just a little AI project ..... that enables US to say what info we
want ...... besides my mail program has a ONE click delete key .....
and I don't even have to read the message .... ~TODD~