On Mon, 28 Aug 1995 20:19:29 EDT, Judy Drazba wrote:
>Can someone out there can help me get rid of, or at least reduce the
>autofluorescence from blood vessels in our sections.  We do all of our
>imaging on brain slices (10-100 microns) fixed in 4% Paraform./PBS. I've
>tried various blocking buffers and routinely include glycine to help quench
>aldehydes to no avail.  Any suggestions??
If the autofluoresence is coming from the elastin fibres in the blood
vessel wall, try incubating your labelling sections in 0.5% Pontamine sky
blue 5BX (C.I. 24400, BDH Laboratories, Gurr) in buffer or saline for 10
minutes followed by a 5 minute wash before mounting. It appears that this
shifts the usual green autofluorescence emission of elastin into a red
emission. This works well in lung tissue using fluorescein labelled probes
but not so well for rhodamine or Texas Red labelled preparations.
Good luck.
Paul Rigby
Dr Paul Rigby
Biomedical Confocal Microscopy Research Centre
Department of Pharmacology                   Telephone:  61-9-3462819
University of Western Australia                    Fax:  61-9-3463469
Nedlands WA 6907
Australia                     Email: [log in to unmask]